Tuesday, March 22, 2011


This morning, I got up [earlier than normal] and got ready to go to the Temple. Since I don't have a car, my visits are limited, and so it is even more wonderful when I do get to go.

Life can be crazy. I know. Look up dysfunctional in the thesaurus and I bet there's a picture of my family right next to it. Seriously. But when I think of the temple or when I am in the temple, all those things don't matter! The person that I used to be, the things that I did that I am not proud of, the little things that can be stressful about everyday life...they don't exist.

It's difficult for me to allow myself to be tied down by my self-imposed limitations or by the views of the world when I've felt so close to my Heavenly Father, that it all boils down to "I know Better".

Life is all about CHOICES, and it's really as black and white as choosing to be happy or choosing to be miserable. I don't care what anyone says, it's that easy! Choose to be happy. And when those days come that we find the choice to be more difficult than usual then fake it 'til you make it!

I love to see the Temple has always been my favorite primary song for as long as I can remember. Now that I'm older [and hopefully wiser] and have been able to feel the blessings of going to the temple, I am so grateful for the blessing of being able to learn the Gospel at a very early age! And I'm especially grateful to have a Temple not too far away.

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